Visual Storytelling - T. Benjamin Larsen's Blog

"Presentation Zen"

Buy this book!

Really it's as simple as that. If you ever do slideshow presentations (Powerpoint, Keynote etc.) this book will help you communicate your message in the most effective manner. It doesn't matter if you're a pro or amateur this is the book that will help you fulfill your potential as a presenter.


The look of required reading

Now personally I never have to do presentations. I am however quite interested in them as I am nearly in all visual forms of communication. Unfortunately I am occasionally subjected to presentations and find that they differ from the rare good to the all-too-common terrible. A few are even help-get-me-out-of-here-my-brain-is-melting horrible but I've yet to witness (live) a single presentation that deserves the great-stamp. OK, I'm probably quite stingy when it comes to my great-stamps, but needless to say the Powerpoint-presentation-genre is in dire need of improvement.

Based on Garr Reynolds blog of the same name, Presentation Zen is a pleasant read, nay a pleasant experience from start to finish. The layout is top notch (as it has to be) and the text is of the personal yet effective variation. This is not a book on technology though. You won't find explanations about the hidden "make it great" menus in Powerpoint or the like. What you will find is a thoroughly explained philosophy about the DNA of presentation greatness.

If you run a business where a lot of the communication is carried out through powerpoint you should buy a copy for each and everyone of your employees. I wouldn't be surprised if this modest investment would actually improve your productivity.

So, this is it. After all the false prophets among books on presentations this is the Jesus-book. It will save us all, make you a better person and make the world a better place for all of us. (OK, maybe not, but it will make you a better presenter and give the audience a better experience).